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15 April 2025 10:00 - 10:45

So, you want to be a more confident presenter? Well, don’t join this short on-line webinar if you expect to hear precisely what you need to do to orate on a par with Clinton or Luther King, Churchill, Mandela or Obama because you won’t hear me tell you anything like that at all!

What you will hear me tell you though is how to define what confident presenting looks like for you. Only you know what your vision of confident presenting is and with that clarity of purpose you immediately have something to work towards. Once you understand that it becomes possible draw upon the skills that are innate to you already, set in place plans, structure and accountability that can ultimately lead you to becoming that vision of confidence that you have set for yourself.

Sure, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to command an audience like the greatest after just 30-minutes – unless you’re there already of course – but you’ll certainly have the tools to help you achieve your own version of what being confident at presenting means for you!

Curious to know more? You know what to do…

15 April 2025 10:00 - 10:45 Online

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